Welcome to Wayland-Cohocton Athletic Registration
Spring 2025 sport registrations for Modified, Junior Varsity and Varsity level teams will be opening soon. Remember, if you have an existing account, please continue to use this for any former or new athletes you may be registering. Please reach out with questions or concerns if you have them and pay attention to dates that registrations will be open for the following teams. These will vary depending on start dates and lengths of season.
We look forward to seeing the names come in for the follow sports listed below:
Registration Window #1 : February 19th - March 21st
JV Baseball
Varsity Baseball
JV Softball
Varsity Softball
Varsity Golf
Varsity Girls Track & Field
Varsity Boys Track & Field
Varsity Boys Tennis
Season Start: March 17th
Registration Window #2 : March 7th - April 11th
Modified Baseball
Modified Softball
Modified Tennis
Modified Track & Field
Season Start : April 7th
If you are unsure of what level to select, 7th and 8th grade student-athletes should select Modified; 9th and 10th grade student-athletes should select JV; 11th and 12th grade student-athletes should select Varsity. There will be instances that this general rule does not apply but may be helpful for some unsure of what level to register for. We can always edit and make changes after a student-athlete is registered to update appropriate levels.
Special instructions for Returning Users
*If you have previously registered a child(ren) it is very important to continue using the same account. If you create a new account for your child(ren) you will complicating your child(ren)'s sports participation history. You should only have one account per family. This means you will have multiple children registering on the same account.
*It is very important that YOU as the parent/guardian complete the registration process NOT your child. This form requires medical history, contact information and insurance information that your child(ren) will not know.
*If you have forgotten your user name or password; please click on "Forgot your username or password" link. You should not be creating a new account, please follow the instructions to reset your user name and/or password. Please write your User Name and Password down and keep in a safe place for future use.
Special Instructions for New Users
*When creating a new account it is important to remember that you will be using this same account for your entire family, for multiple seasons and on a yearly basis. For example your child(ren) could be registering for a Fall, Winter and Spring sport for multiple years during their athletic career. It is recommended that you record your User name and Password in a safe place.
*It is very important that YOU as the parent/guardian complete the registration process NOT your child. This form requires medical history, contact information and insurance information that your child(ren) will not know.
*Click on Create a New Account. You will enter your name as the Parent/Guardian, create a User Name and Password, provide your active email address. Click Sign Up and you can then begin the registration process.
*If you are still unable to get into your account please call Victoria Grambs (585-728-2366, opt 4) to reset your log in information.
Physical Examination
Students registering for Athletics must have a current physical examination on file in the Activities office before the student is authorized to participate in practice/tryouts. To ensure clearance for participation, physicals should be completed and turned in to the Activities office no later than 3 school days prior to the first day of practice/tryouts.
Physicals are valid for 12 Months from the date of the last exam.
Impact Test
Students registering for Athletics must have a current Impact test examination on file in the Activities office before the student is authorized to participate in practice/tryouts. To ensure participation, athletes will complete an Impact Test electronically and can be done at home. Use of a desktop computer or laptop with a mouse is preferred. Results are not pass/fail and will be delivered automatically to nurses, assistants, and athletic director upon completion.
Impact tests are valid for 2 years from the date of completion and will cover any and all sports played during this period.
Please remember that you can only register for ONE sport!
To begin please click the logo below!
If you have questions or need assistance with the registration, please address it to:
Royce Flickner – Athletic Director
Email: rflickner@wccsk12.org
Phone Number: 585-728-2366 ext 3192
Victoria Grambs – Administrative Assistant to Athletic Director
Email: vvandyke@wccsk12.org
Phone Number: 585-728-2366 ext 3367